Preparing to Rent in Clarksville TN? We Welcome You.
If you have recently arrived in Clarksville, TN Millan Enterprises would like to issue you a warm welcome! You probably have a few questions about how to rent in Clarksville, and we can help with that! We think of Clarksville as a “small, big town” – highlighting all the urban conveniences and comforts of a large city, but with a friendly, small-town feel you’re sure to fall in love with. If you’re still not sure whether you should move to Clarksville or not, we’ve got 3 big reasons for you!

Downtown Clarksville at dusk is a beautiful thing to behold!
Clarksville, TN is a melting pot of people from all over the country, and the world, making it a unique and exciting place to live. You’ll never run out of things to do, Clarksville hosts a wide range of pastimes and attractions with abundant shopping, dining, and entertainment!
If you are planning to rent in Clarksville TN, our experienced and friendly Property Managers have a few tips and recommendations for you.
- Conducting a little independent homework before contacting a rental agency can go a long way. Knowing what you’re looking for in advance can be massively beneficial to you and your agent. Experienced agents will know what to ask to help you find your ideal rental situation but it is always helpful if you have done some initial research. You’ll want to be able to answer questions including ideal home size, desired number of bedrooms/baths, size of yard, preferred neighborhood, schools, etc.
- We recommend visiting some neighborhoods in advance to save time in the selection process. Determining areas of town that you like and dislike will help guide your agent in the selection process.
- It’s imperative to know how much you can afford. A common rule of thumb is that your rent should not be more than one-third of your total monthly take-home pay. You will still need money for groceries, gas, etc., so be sure you know what you can budget for housing.
- It’s important to make sure you understand the various associated costs upfront. Individuals new to the rental scene may be surprised to learn that they will typically need to pay the first and last month’s rent, along with a security deposit, which is typically the same amount as the rent. So, if your rent is going to be $1,000, you may need to come up with $3,000 before you can move in. You will also need deposits for utilities, internet, and other assorted services you may want.
- Please read your rental agreements! Taking the time to read through all of the rental agreements will help you know what you are committing to in advance and will help you avoid potential future problems.
Please contact us when you are ready to start looking for a home to rent in Clarksville, TN. We will be happy to help you with these and other common questions and again, welcome!