
How We Can Help You Find Rental Properties Near Ft. Campbell This Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day where we honor the soldiers who have fallen while serving in the United States Armed Forces. This commemorative holiday has a storied past that has been celebrated for well over 100 years, and will no doubt continue for 100 more.

Historically, there is no evidence as to who first celebrated Memorial Day and in what town or city, but shortly after the Civil War and President Lincoln’s assassination, mourners began laying flowers and wreaths at the graves of fallen soldiers in a more unified and organized fashion than had been done in the past. The practice caught on, and almost overnight it became a standard (just like the 101st Airborne will be doing Monday at Noon at division headquarters), this also is reason it was once called “Decoration Day.”

And the rest, as they say, is history…

There’s a reason we here at Millan Enterprises are so closely connected to this commemorative holiday, and why we take such pride in our work for our community: We are veteran owned and operated, and we are proud to serve those who are in need of rental properties near Fort Campbell, as they have served, and continue to serve us.

We have been helping soldiers in the US Armed Forces find affordable housing for over 15 years, are more than dedicated to the growth and success of Clarksville, and are very proud of the tradition we have built, and continue to build each year.

We’d like to thank all of our fallen soldiers this Memorial Day for the dedication and sacrifice they gave to our great country, and would like to extend a continued thank you to all current soldiers who have committed their lives to serving today. Thank you.

If you are searching for an ideal place to live in the Clarksville area, then please contact us for more information.