
Understanding Normal Wear and Tear as a Renter in Clarksville, TN

When you are going to rent an apartment in Clarksville TN or a rental home near Ft Campbell, you probably know the routine. Put down a security deposit and get it back, or a portion of it, as long as there is no damage. However, understanding what represents normal wear and tear can be a gray area for a lot of tenants and landlords. Another gray area is whether your landlord should support your efforts to decorate, remodel or beautify your apartment. It’s always important to read a lease agreement very carefully and ask questions if you aren’t sure about the latitude you have with decorating a rental in Clarksville. According to an article by Zillow, it’s smart to document the condition of your rental unit with photographs before you move in and after you move out. Some of the issues that may come up when determining how much of the security deposit you get to keep include damage that has nothing to do with the natural aging of an apartment or home.
  • Condition of the carpets

To maintain the carpets in a rental unit, you may want to vacuum and even occasionally use a steam cleaner. Carpet has a limited lifetime. Light discoloration and faded should be expected. However, burns, pet urine, vandalism, heavy food or paint spills are damages that come out of a security deposit.

  • Damage to the walls

Walls that have been marked up with crayons and permanent markers would be considered damage. When it comes to painting any of the rooms yourself, you would want to get permission from your landlord.

  • Pet stains and problems

Many landlords and property management companies have specific deposits that relate to pets. That’s because pets are notorious for causing damage beyond the normal wear and tear of a home. Make sure you don’t have a pet unless it’s specifically allowed in the lease agreement. Pets can scratch sliding glass doors, rip screens, damage carpet or yards.

Before moving out of an apartment or rental home in Clarksville TN, think about how you can leave the living space in the kind of condition you’d appreciate if you were moving in. Even though the property manager has professionals clean, be respectful and considerate of others by removing food from the refrigerator, throwing away garbage and cleaning, sweeping and vacuuming. In some cases, you might find the property manger or landlord wishes to give you a good reference for your next move. Also, you can enjoy whatever you end up doing with your security deposit.

If you on the hunt for a rental home or apartment Clarksville TN, turn to Millan Enterprise, a locally owned residential and commercial real estate company. Our main office is in the heart of Clarksville, TN. For more information about how we can get you into a cozy rental home or apartment in the Clarksville area, please contact us.